Midterm Evaluation

I have chosen to submit the following 3 blogs for midterm evaluation:

  1. Assignment 1.3 – Question #7

In this post I wrote about the impact that technology and social media may have on literature and storytelling.

  1. Assignment 1.5 – Introduction to Thomas King and Story

In this post I wrote my story about how evil first came into the world.

  1. Assignment 2.6 – Question #5 

In this post I wrote on Carlson’s Orality about Literacy: The ‘Black and White’ of Salish History. 

3 thoughts on “Midterm Evaluation”

  1. Hi Indra,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your blogs and discussions over this course. I’m writing to you in connection with the group research projects which we are expected to submit at the end of this term. Aran Chang and I have already agreed to work together on the project, so we are wondering if you are interested to join us.

    Few words about me – I have some experience of working on the group projects in the course of online studies, which I have enjoyed very much. I must admit, that writing is rather a challenge for me, but I’m getting more confident with every course and assignment I’ve completed. As any of us, I’m pretty busy with my studies and work, but meeting the deadlines for course assignments is certainly my priority. I work part time, and, similarly to you, I go to one of the high schools once a week to earn volunteer hours for my potential BED application :). If we work together, we can discuss the area of the research for this course later on, once the group is formed. I’m flexible about it and oriented on the opinion of the group. We have briefly discussed with Aran, that facebook messenger could be our potential communication tool for this project, but this is something to be agreed with everybody in the group.

    We are looking forward to your feedback. In case, if you prefer to respond via e-mail, you can send it to joanne.kutlimetova@gmail.com.

    Thank you, Joanne
    PS: FYI, I’ll also send the same “join us” 🙂 message to Nicole Diaz, as we need 4 partners in the group.

    1. Hi Indra,

      I hope that everything goes well for you :). I just wanted to remind that the deadline to find partners and post the names in the group is tomorrow. Can you please let us know if you are still available (have not joined yet the other group) and agree to work with us (for the moment with Aran Chang and me) ASAP. We will wait for your answer till 4 pm today, and if we do not have it, we get in touch with other classmates.

      All the very best,

  2. Hi Joanne,

    I’m so sorry, I just saw these comments today! Thanks for reaching out, and my apologies for not seeing this earlier. Looking forward to seeing what your group comes up with for the project!


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