Assignment 2.3 – Response to Short Stories About Home

For this assignment I focused on the blogs of Chase Thomson, Grace Owens, Jacob Kosh, Emily Homuth, Gaby Reinhart and Joseph Um.

Similarities I found between all of our blogs:

-The people in our lives whether that be family, friends, co-workers, partners, neighbours

-Feeling of security and safety

-Personal sense of freedom

-Memories and experiences that have shaped us

-The ability to be ourselves

-Sense of community and belonging

-The connections we have with those we care about most


-Grace and Gaby expressed that an important component of home for them was either the physical house or state in which they lived, which differs from my own perspective of not holding much attachment to the physical houses I have lived in or my hometown

-Joseph’s experience of living in different places and them all forming an important part of his sense of home is different from my own as I have only ever lived in Vancouver, so I have not yet had this experience of different countries informing my sense of home


It was really interesting to read about everyone’s own sense of home, as it was great to find that even though we are all unique and have different stories, so many of the same values kept coming up in the blogs. I found that while home can hold different meanings for everyone, there is a common need to feel secure, loved, and free. The people that surround us also play important roles in home, as it seems that connections with loved ones are highly valued by most of us in forming this sense of home. This assignment gave me a great perspective of how each and every one of us is given the opportunity to create and build our own definition of home and how there are so many shared values between us, no matter our backgrounds or experiences, that illustrate how we can always find a way to connect to others. 

Works Cited:

Homuth, Emily. “Assignment 2:2 Home.” OH CANADA ENGL 372, 27 Jan. 2020,

Kosh, Jacob. “Home Is The Place I Am.” Jacob Kosh’s Blog, 27 Jan. 2020,

Owens, Grace. “Lesson 2:2 – A Sense of Home.” Grace Owens’s English 372 Blog, 27 Jan. 2020,

Reinhart, Gaby. “The Story of Home.” Explorer Gaby’s Blog, 28 Jan. 2020,

Thomson, Chase. “Assignment 2:2 – Home is More.” Chase Thomson’s ENGL 372 Blog, 28 Jan. 2020,

Um, Joseph. “Assignment 2.2 Home Sweet Home.” JOSEPH UM ENGL 372, 28 Jan. 2020,

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