
What are the major differences or similarities between the ethos of the creation story or stories you are familiar with and the story King tells in The Truth About Stories ?


I think that the major differences between the stories is the way that the stories were presented to the audience.  They is a major difference just in the way that the stories are told.  One is told in a very creative voice while the other one has a matter of fact tone.  While the creative story is very interesting and could very well be more correct, many people would tend to believe the story that is told from a narrator with authority and power.  Most of the time, the audience will believe whatever the writer believes.  So I believe that the matter of fact story would be taken more seriously, than the creative story.

1 Thought.

  1. Hi Laryssa,

    Great point that one of the major differences between these Creation stories is the tone and style of the voices used in each one. You also brought up the degree of authority and clout provided by each type of story – it is also interesting to consider from other perspectives. As we have discussed in previous parts of this course, context is everything, and individuals have vastly different perceptions of the “truth”. Although from your perspective many individuals would take the “matter of fact” version more seriously, I think that the response might be different from somebody who grew up with more oral traditions. As well, it is important to consider the implicit ideas that we have about the written, as well as about who the narrators may be – what makes one story seem to come from a more authoritative source, anyway? Is it the “matter of fact” tone, or perhaps something else? Interested to hear your thoughts 🙂
    – Charlotte

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