These are slideshows from the workshops I have facilitated. I have tried to reduce the number of words. Invariably I add more and more back in until I reign myself in again. These are in reverse chronological order.

I made this one for my father for a presentation he was facilitating

[slideshare id=170492&doc=e-sdraft-1195336868249204-5&w=425]

I prepared this one as part of a class presentation in the program planning course I was enrolled in.

[slideshare id=170795&doc=power-point-i-nquiry5-1195370494308188-3&w=425]

I prepared this slideshare for a workshop I facilitated for elementary and secondary teacher candidates

[slideshare id=170794&doc=eportfolio-advanced-functions-final-1195370494331795-5&w=425]