Access to Blackwell journal content on Wiley InterScience – NOT AVAILABLE

Access to most of our subscribed Blackwell journal content on Wiley InterScience is currently unavailable.
Be assured that our account rep at Wiley is working to resolve this as soon as possible.

Unfortunately in the meantime, the typical search leads to that frustrating ‘login below to purchase access’ screen. We are certainly not alone in this situation – it is being experienced world-wide to a greater or lesser extent. Here is Canada, the problem is shared by all our peer academic institutions, which like UBC, are part of the CRKN consortial license agreement.

Some progress has been made towards providing title level access (fewer instances of landing on the Wiley InterScience home page), however article level linking (Citation Linker, PubMed etc.) is not expected to be restored until later next week. We sincerely hope to have our access available before then!

Updates will continue to be posted here.
Questions, concerns, comments? Please contact us!

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