Our access to ejournals & ebooks from Emerald has grown.
Along with Emerald Management Plus [ currently offering 225 journals from 24 management disciplines ] we now have:
- Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection – includes all 19 journals within Emerald’s engineering, materials science and technology portfolio.
- Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection – over 550 volumes from more than 70 book series titles. The series features topical, international and authoritative content from many fields including strategy, economics, accounting and finance and human resource management.
- Emerald Social Sciences eBook Series Collection – includes more than 240 volumes from over 35 book series titles. The collection will be of interest to researchers in the fields of education, environmental management/environment, health care management/healthcare, language and linguistics and sociology and public policy.
All collections can be accessed from our Emerald Resource Page.