UPDATE: March 31, 2011 – Access Restored on new Proquest Platform – for details see: ProQuest Acquires CIS & UPA from LexisNexis
Due to a change in provider (the collection has moved from LexisNexis to ProQuest), a new agreement for this collection needs to be negotiated. We are working on it.
In the meanwhile, 1789-1954 are also available in opaque microform, AW 10 U48 Koerner Library Microforms.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Add LexisNexis Statistical Insight to this problem, too. Library Has the following in print holdings:
- American Statistics Index, 1973- . ZHA 214 A447 Koerner Library Government Publications Indexes and Abstracts.
- Index to International Statistics, 1983- . HA 154 I5 I57 Koerner Library Government Publications Indexes and Abstracts