Category Archives: Platform News

U.K.Postal Strike: Lucky Us?

“Ok,” you say. “What does a U.K. postal strike have to do with e-resources, and how does it effect me?” Glad you asked. It seems some UK publications are making some content more easily accessible on the web. Read some … Continue reading

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Alexander Street Press: Canadian Women and Social Movements

We’ve just released a special edition of our online publication Women and Social Movements in the U.S. titled “Canadian Women and Social Movements,” and we hope you’ll take a look! –Alexander Street Press Editors for this project include Canadian feminist … Continue reading

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PLoS: Now with -Article Level Metrics-

“The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is the first publisher to place transparent and comprehensive information about the usage and reach of published articles onto the articles themselves … We call these measures for evaluating articles ‘Article-Level Metrics‘…” –PLoS website … Continue reading

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HAPI: Server Being Upgraded

*UPDATE* “HAPI Online has been up and working steadily for a week now so hopefully our technical issues have been resolved…” -the HAPI folks *UPDATE* Not the HAPpIest of news. “HAPI Online is still experiencing intermittent disruptions in access,” say … Continue reading

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IOP Journal “Smart Materials and Structures”

“… Smart Materials and Structures, published by non-profit scientific publisher IOP Publishing, UK, has announced that it has been named one of the most influential journals in the field of engineering in 2009, as recognised by from Thomson Reuters.” … Continue reading

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Sage Journals Online: Good-Bye CSA Illumina

*UPDATE* The date is back to January 1st. My head is spinning! *UPDATE* The switch-over date is now September 1st not January 1st. “To date, the SAGE Full-Text Collections have been available on both the ProQuest CSA Illumina platform and … Continue reading

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