The Ubyssey’s 91 Things to do before you graduate

I have just lived through my first month at UBC. I’ve witnessed a shirtless middle age man on the 99 B-Line riding with an open beer on a Tuesday afternoon. It got better when he spilt it all over the bus, started giggling and then the man with no shoes came on the bus and started wiggling his toes in the spilt beer. My bus stop was Granville. We had some quality time together.

Besides my new friend, who I will nickname Bob, I have also witnessed students bringing road blockades into Totem Park in the middle of the night. Where they ended up, I have no idea.

I have had a bicycle fall on top of me from a bicycle rack which officially makes me fit for living in Vancouver. I’ve watched the sun set over wreck beach from the Marine Drive Parkade. I’ve recieved 7 “I’m thinking of you..” or “Welcome home!” cards from my mother.. and I’ve only known my mailing address for not even 5 weeks. I haven’t even included the junk mail she’s forwarding me.. like flyers for gym memberships to Ontario only facilities… or a pay stub from work.. or that random pen..

Then my friend told me about the ’91 Things to do before you graduate’ list put out by The Ubyssey in August. You can check it out for yourself here. And seriously- check it out. I laughed pretty hard and I couldn’t include it all. It got me thinking, if all of these experiences have already happened to me I wonder what I can cross off the list already. Or maybe I can pick out what I really want to set out to accomplish. I know that there are so many of them out there that are so completely true about UBC that it makes me proud.

2 Hotbox an elevator in the Rose Garden Parkade and scare Chan Centre patrons as they leave a lovely evening at the theatre. – I was just told last night that people actually do this, and that is hilarious, but as a Blog Squaddy, I can not approve of such actions, yo.

5 Deface the “E” (engineering cairn on Main Mall) with your faculty’s colours. – I have not defaced the “E” yet but, my favorite moment is when I walked past the Ski and Board Club defacing it and then taking photos of them jumping in front of their piece of art.. with pieces of their clothes removed..

14 Snowball fight. We don’t like snow that much, but if it’s there, you might as well set up a fortress and launch ice grenades at your mortal enemy (eg. TA). Don’t forget to snag a cafeteria tray and sled down the Knoll, while it’s still around. – I’m game.

17 Make an ass of yourself in front of everyone in the room at Karaoke night at the Gallery.
18 No, impress the pants off of every-one in the room at Karaoke night.
– The day will come.

24 Find the Farm (and then help us find it, if you don’t mind). – Hahahaha. I have to say, UBC Farm squash in Honour Roll Sushi in October is a swell idea. But yet, no one knows where this farm is.

34 Jump on the bouncy bushes, sober or drunk. – Just don’t rip open your butt on them and then have to call 911 and try to explain to them that your location is the bouncy bushes and you need help at 3am on a Monday. Happy 18th Birthday Katie!

60 Become addicted to Facebook. Have it ruin your life. – Farmville too… shh..

68 Get safewalked. – Checkkkk. Not going to lie, one of them was pretty cute.

73 Go on a roadtrip with a group of friends. Try not to die. – I’ll try not to die, but I’m not promising anything.

77 Get those yam fries from Mahoney’s. – YAM FRIES? I’M THERE.

78 Get those apples from the annual Apple Festival at the Botanical Gardens. – Going this weekend with the girl from the mustache party!

91 Read every issue of The Ubyssey. Har har. – I pick you up in Lasserre all the time, my friend.

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