I’m curious…

…are you going to take advantage of the new feature on the SSC that allows to to say you have “flu like symptoms” without a doctors note AND allows you to take a few days off while they contact your profs for you? Was that a run on sentence? Well, I’m not here to be an english major..

5 thoughts on “I’m curious…

  1. Em

    Hmm…take advantage of as in use it when I’m actually sick or use it when I have a midterm that I haven’t studied for and am feeling just fine?

  2. Tyler

    I’m sort of sick, but I’m pretty sure it’s just due to lack of sleep.

    And I’m not planning on missing school, but I if get anything contagious I won’t have a choice.

  3. Carman

    I am very scared to cried wolf ever since I read that tale as a child… then at a later age I learned about karma. So my answer is would be no.

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