Music Monday

On Saturday night, after the SEE Conference, the Vancouver Me to We Mobilizers hosted their Break the Silence concert event. Break the Silence was held just as the Vow of Silence ended, to celebrate our achievements of being silent for 24 hours and to talk about our experiences from participating in the Vow. For more fabulous info on just why, click here or here.

The night was a huge success. Scott and Kelly, Mobilizers from the island, took the ferry over to be with us and others came from Surrey by SkyTrain. Steph and Angie from the Free the Children office came by and shared some FTC videos with everyone at the cafe. I also had a chance to see my Co-Mob Lead, Tes, once again! Tes lives in Surrey so we don’t have time to see each other often. Since I co-lead the west coast Mob, I had the opportunity to say “wicked-awesome” and “cool beans” into the microphone a lot while introducing speakers. Made my day.

We took over Our Town Cafe on E Broadway (btw the cafe is wicked-awesome, check it out for a cool study space) for Break the Silence and had a really awesome band called The Left play for us. They were absolutely hilarious and at one point they shouted out, “this will be our last song for the evening. Thank you for coming out and we’ll see you at the after party at Erica’s house. If you weren’t invited…  …we’re sorry.” Right away they began playing as loud as they could before I could even think about the joke I just heard. Funny and amazing guys. So here I am, sharing one of their songs with you. In this video I can’t help but laugh and understand why they were talking about coffee beer bongs before they played it on Saturday.

Here it is. The Left- Drinking About You. Oh yeah, Hi Meg!

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1 thought on “Music Monday

  1. Paulina

    Good song. Thanks for sharing it =)
    I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes “cool beans.” I wrote it in a script for a PA announcement once but everyone was too embarrassed to say it.

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