This is why I love my friends:
We kind of, sort of, climb into fountains on campus at night time.
Recently, I admitted to knowing that random girl who was in a photo of me above my blog biography. Well it’s true, I just so happen to know her. You can find the fancy dancy new photos to complete the “do I actually know Megan?” series.
But you see, the thing is that Maegan and Katie, the other core members of our wicked dangerous crew, are not featured in those photos. They deserve a huge shout out. Katie even provided me with space on a moving truck, which I didn’t give her credit for during my blog post about moving out of Totem Park, so she deserves some huge props for that.
Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy my Photoshop skills.
Also we can’t forget everyone else who often appears in my photos. Lauren, Nicola, AJ, and so forth. Nootka 2nd clearly rocks way too much.
Now that I’ve recognized my solid crew, it’s time for some tunes.
Ellie Goulding’s Under The Sheets (Baby Monster Remix)