Major Glee – American Eagle connection!

If reasons behind watching Glee couldn’t get any better, Diana Agron who play’s Quinn is also Harper from a much loved American Eagle/MTV mini show called It’s a Mall World from back in the day. When I say back in the day, I mean the summer of 2007 before American Eagle sold black clothing.

I had no idea that both characters were played by the same character. When It’s a Mall World was out, AE played the trailer for the show over and over again in store to the point where you had it memorized word for word. You even had the option of buying Harper’s outfits on and they dressed her completely in the 2007 back to school line. I owned the outfit she’s wearing in the first episode (posted below). I’m unable to find the trailer online (if anyone can, I’d be eternally grateful if you sent me the link) but you can still find the episodes around on YouTube.

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For some reason, when I logged onto YouTube, Alejandro was recommended for me because I watched the BP Spills Coffee video? I don’t see the connection. Do you? No? Okay.