If you’ve read my blog before, you might be aware that I’ve worked at the Me to We/Free The Children offices in Toronto over this past summer and have been highly involved in something called the Me to We MOB. I seem to be a walking Me to We/Free The Children book of knowledge lately too, loads of fun. Now, for the third straight year, I’ve been a part of something MAGICAL. No word of a lie, MAGICAL. Yep, it’s the crowd pumping team for We Day. Last weekend I flew from Vancouver to Toronto for We Day and we’re just a little bit more than a week away from the big show in VANCOUVER on the 15th.
I’ve been out here in Vancouver working hard to get crowd pumpers together, practice the We Day dance, and working with the BC Office to run rehearsals. Toronto We Day was the first taste of getting to see the We Day dance in action with 18,000 youth and people scattered throughout the Air Canada Centre in their absolute best tight and bright. All that hard work = totally worth it. Thanks Alyssa for lending me your pink tights, they totally made people on the street turn heads.
So as I’m standing in the bowl of the Air Canada Centre last Thursday at We Day, this young guy you might of heard of before named Greyson Chance comes on to perform. He blew me away. My noise-canceling headset couldn’t stop me from being amazed by his voice and he’s only, what, 13? Here’s a video of his performance and what gives me the energy to keep doing what I’m doing–mass amounts of school work, volunteering and crowd pumping prep. Also, finding time to eat and sleep takes some level of passion that Greyson Chance is able to provide. Thanks Greyson, for inspiring university students to get through their full course loads and giving them the courage to sleep more than 6 hours a night too.

Also, if you click this link right here, hello I’m a link, it will take you to the We Day facebook page and for every ‘like’ Free The Children gets $1. They’re trying to get one million likes for $1,000,000. Now, those folks at the offices in Toronto are some of my closest friends and I know that they are working so hard to help Free The Children achieve all that they have achieved. Could you please help support them and all they do by clicking the link and liking We Day? I’ll love you forever. Well actually, I do already love you forever because you are reading my blog.
With much love,
That girl who is engaged in everything Me to We/Free The Children in every way possible and loves it.
Hey I’m thinking about doing one of those Me to We volunteer trips overseas sometime but the website is kind of lacking detail. Got any advice? Resources? First hand experience?
I’ve never been involved with Free the Children but one of these trips sounds like something I’d want to try!