The Beatles: When I Saw Her Standing There
Kings of Leon: 17
Life update:
I wrote my first midterm today.. note to self: always double space and only write on one side of the paper. Another note to self: remember this before you write all of your answers down.
My floor in res started the legendary game of Sock Wars last week with our bro floor. I was killed only a few days in. I was tricked by a clever text inviting me to join them for a chocolate milk. Even though I never put effort into playing Sock Wars like carrying the safety item (which was a textbook, how easy is that) none the less, I was owned by strategy carried out by Sam.
My residence diet: I consume 5 whole honeydew melons a week, as pointed out by Katie, which replaced my grapes addiction. I have mistakenly bought the biggest container of crab soup you have ever seen when all I wanted was tomato. Chocolate milk is still a favorite even with my intolerance and I have drank way too many Vitamin Waters that I can’t even look at them anymore. Otherwise, I discovered peanut butter and bananas help to keep me awake after I start to fall asleep in my lectures. I felt like more food experimentation was necessary so I tried apples and churned honey…. no good, don’t try it. Who churns honey anyways? I just want regular honey.
When my RA writes on the weekly question board in the bathroom, “Who is your celebrity crush?” you can expect “EDWIN” and “DANIEL MAGDER” all over it. About four times. And then “EDWIN” a few more times on the mirror.
Woah. Five WHOLE honeydews? I don’t think I’ve consumed even half a honeydew in my past ~19 years XD