Category Archives: First Year

Goodbye 2009 Music Monday!

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Here is my ultimate Music Monday filled with internet goodies and music to end the year in the proper fashion. Currently, I’m at home in Niagara Falls with my two kitties Digger and Sandy and some good old Marble Slab to eat during my Dorm Life Season 2 marathon.

The best things about being home is..
trying to drive in snowy conditions,
going to Sobeys, the awesome 24 hour grocery store, with your friends in the middle of the night when you are hungry,
watching home town hockey,
turkey soup,
and finding old clothes in your closet that you forgot about that feel new again that you’ll bring back to school in January.

As I mentioned, I’m on a Dorm Life marathon. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s probably because my RA hasn’t met you yet and hasn’t preached the good word of Dorm Life to you on a regular basis. I didn’t hear about it until I met her when I moved into res and ran into all of her promotional posters in the halls telling our floor to watch it. It took me until now to give it a serious chance and I’m addicted. It’s actually very true to residence life and follows the same kind of comedy as the office. If you watch it from the beginning, you’ll get a lot of the inside jokes.

Below is one of my favourite episodes where some of the floormates go to a Frat party which is a regular thing first-years do at UBC. The floormates who don’t go get high in the RA’s room while he’s gone, which isn’t a regular thing first-year things do at UBC. Less than regular.. more like never. Check out the episode below!

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Now for some music. This video is worth watching, it’s a wrap up of the Top 25 hits of 2009 by DJ Earworm called Blame It On The Pop. It’s actually pretty amazing.

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Some lessons in music, do not get the iTunes fever and start downloading everything that you find that sounds good. Happened to me for the first time this Winter Break, not good for the credit card.

For a new song, check out Phoenix, iTunes listed their song 1901 as one of the top songs of the year.

Their best & stuck in my head & the anthem to my winter break:

1901 by Phoenix
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Lisztomania by Phoenix
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And as a little treat for you, check out the really creepy giant poster I have of myself in my room back at home next to my luggage. Happy Hew Years! Vancouver 2010!

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Music Monday

I have finished all of my exams. I’m now sitting back at home on my couch in Ontario. I just finished watching Pride and Prejudice with my Momma. Since I’ve been home, I’ve watched all the Christmas specials and movies television has been able to offer me. I’ve picked out all the flaws in Elf. After watching The Holiday, I’m ready to begin my crush on Jude Law. I don’t feel like Term 2 is right around the corner, only fourteen days around the corner, and that the new semester means that I no longer need to wake up for 9am classes all week long. The only catch to this perfect timetable that provides more sleep time is my new commitment to Wednesdays. They will be full of academic learning from 6pm-10pm all semester long. Yippy.

In celebration of Christmas this week and my new love for Glee (yes I’ve jumped on that bandwagon), here is the cast’s rendition of Last Christmas for today’s Music Monday.

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ps. I have just fallen in love with eggnog for the first time.

Music Monday & A Special Happy Birthday..

Today, indeed is my birthday. Not only my birthday, but a milestone birthday that marks the beginning of my adulthood. So with it being my 18th birthday what am I doing today? I’m buying Bingo scratch cards, claiming my free drink at Starbucks, and studying for my last two exams. But first I get to start my day off with a 7am run with Hannah along old NW Marine Drive. The cool thing about that is I can watch the sky turn from night to day over the water, a nice way to celebrate turning 18. Not so cool is the 7am factor and the cold.

Can I just say that today was the first day that Vancouver received snow? Super awesome because it felt so weird without a little white on the ground. There is usually a ton by now in Ontario. I’m not used to this warm West Coast weather or the fact that most of the snow is already gone and it hasn’t even been 24 hours.

I have two songs for this very special Music Monday.

First are there guys, doing the best cover of Poker Face I’ve ever seen. ’nuff said.
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And secondly, Walking On A Dream by Empire of the Sun
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A special shout out goes to Nick who drew bunnies in my birthday card, because he thinks that’s what girls like, and for putting such a spectacular effort into my birthday card. Thanks 🙂

Random Olympics Tickets post.

Any UBC student interested in buying my pair of tickets for Victory Ceremonies on Feb. 19th from me? They are really cheap and I would really like to go see Stars that night instead. Any takers?

As you can tell.. my blog has become Craig’s List and no longer about school.

Oh yeah, I’m supposed to be studying hard in the Harry Potter room right now but instead I’m posting this.

AMS Dramazz: One Pro and One Con.

We’re missing a few important things that come out of this whole AMS/UN/BLAKE & TIM affair. No, it’s no that the AMS can’t function as a whole or that this is a lesson on communications and less about the complaint to the UN. There are a few things we can learn from all the dramazz and I haven’t heard anyone mention these ones yet. So, here they are. One positive and one con that I’ve learned from sitting back and watching it all unfold.

Positive: The UBC student body is actually paying attention to what the AMS is doing and what is happening on campus. It’s exciting for me when the front page of the Ubyssey says in vibrant red writing, “We received over 47 letters on the AMS/UN debacle. Read a random selection on page 9 or read them all at” On Totem Park Formal night I tuned into the Live Blog of the emergency council meeting. I was so into it that I didn’t want to go to the formal and I wished I was in Hebb Theatre to hear students express their thoughts. I even got a few laughs from others in the Live Blog when they were serving pizza in Hebb before the meeting started and I commented “pizza = the last supper.”

I would forever be pleased if a large number of students beyond the members of the AMS continued to be engaged in campus politics and always question the actions of the AMS. After all the Twitter trending topics like #amscouncil and #amsUNfail, don’t you think that all of this has been exiting and interesting to follow? If I had one #decemberwish it would be that UBC students continue to be engaged in what the AMS does and stays interested. Maybe with growing interest we’ll breed even better student leaders and create a better sense of awareness of what is happening on campus. A few weeks ago the Ubyssey had a short news brief that TransLink is going to start charging us for the Canada Line $2.50 and our U-PASS will not cover the charge. I was shocked when I didn’t see it blow up into a big news story!

I met Blake, AMS President, for the first time a week before this whole UN debacle, as the Ubyseey calls it. This was around the time that I first read about the $2.50 charge on top of our U-PASS  that comes into affect on January 1st, 2010. I asked him if the AMS was doing anything about it. He said that our contract for the U-PASS says that it covers everything that is TransLink. But, the reason that Canada Line is thinking that it can charge us is because it was built under a third party. Blake said that the AMS is looking into this- which pleased me a lot. I really do not think TransLink should be charging us $2.50 plus our U-PASS every time we want to travel on the Canada Line between Bridgeport and Templeton Station. I’ve been asking people I know if they were aware of what we will be charged when we fly into YVR for January 4th classes. They had no idea. I think that most UBC students will be in for a shock when they come back for Term 2. I wish there was more discussion from students on this issue now instead of in January when the “Add Fare” has already came into affect.

Con: I am ashamed to be a member of the student body after finding content online of students personally attacking Blake about things unrelated to his actions. I’m ashamed of the images I found of Blake photoshopped with a Communist symbol added to the image. I’m ashamed that students would go to such lows and take this as an opportunity to take a hit at someone who had the guts to run for AMS President because I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who could never put themselves out there like that in fear of being targeted. In reality, those people who are scared of being targeted are the same people who are targeting Blake. Writing hateful comments is not the way to create change on campus. Plain and simple. We learned how to act like adults in elementary school. We’re university students.

Music Monday & the end of the term.

Here we are. The last few glorious and most stressful few days of the term. Where every major assignment is due and you spent your weekend partying. Things have been interesting this weekend. From emergency AMS meetings to making American Thanksgiving dinner in Marine Drive Residence to the UN taking over the knoll (which I visited the next day and with much disappointment I found that the flag was no longer there) and all the way to the annual Totem Park Winter Formal. I can say that I will not be sleeping until Thursday thanks to my exciting weekend as I have pretty heavy homework load. I can promise you that Thursday I will be in bed all day and you won’t see me until dinner time, if that.

Since it is the end of the term, it’s time for an end of the term resolution. Kind of like new years, but cooler.

Here it is: For Term 2 I will never have another sleepless night and I will plan better for all of my midterms, term papers and exams.

Here is Passion Pit‘s song called Sleepyhead for your listening and stress-crying pleasure. I know all I want to do is sleep and never endure another sleepless night after this term.

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