
Hi guys welcome to my blog,


My name is Eric Chang and I am a fifth year mathematics student studying at UBC. This will be my last semester here at UBC and my current plans are to pursue a career in flight and have a few interviews lined up post graduation. If that plan does not work, I plan to pursue my career in either data analytics or some form of software engineering. 


Growing up one of my biggest interests has always been in the field of aviation and more specifically planes. A lot of this then stemmed from the fact that I grew up in an aviation family as my father works as a pilot and my mother worked as a flight attendant. I can still remember the weekends that I use to spend with my father at the airport watching planes of all sizes and models takeoff and land. Aside from aviation I have always been good with numbers since a young age and loved problem solving puzzles of all kinds. This then led me to attend numerous events like hackathon and math competitions. 


During my spare time I enjoy all forms of exercise basketball, volleyball, ultimate and etc. Staying fit has always been a personal goal for me but due to my work load last semester I was unable to find time to exercise on a regular basis. The second activity I usually do during my spare time is play video games with League of Legends being the main game I play. 


Being a math student myself I don’t usually get a lot of opportunities to work on writing skills in general so I am really looking forward to challenging and growing with all of my classmates that are taking english 301 this semester.