Inquiry I & II Outline & Assessments


Inquiry Seminar (I) is designed to engender in teacher candidates:

1) an understanding of teaching as a moral and intellectual activity requiring inquiry, judgement and engagement with multiple others—students, parents, colleagues, scholarly community.

2) an appreciation of the importance of research in understanding curriculum, teaching and learning.

3) a desire to engage in their own educational inquiries—to become students of teaching.

The purpose of inquiry-oriented education is to develop discernment regarding what is desirable in the name of education and the applied practices of teaching. Inquiry is understood as a deliberate, sustained and systematic process—beyond the every day reflection that is required in teaching—where professionals explore what they do and how they do it, and the reasons for both; it involves professionals sharing their inquiries with colleagues.  The notion of teacher inquiry connotes classroom teachers, individually and collectively, in a cycle of questioning, reflection, and action.

Teachers take a close and critical look at practice, address problems and issues from a variety of perspectives, consider inquiry alternatives, try out new or revised practices, and evaluate the results; then the cycle begins anew based on the outcomes, responses, and possibilities emerging from the inquiry and the consolidation and sharing of these results with colleagues. This course focuses on and variety of inquiry practices which teacher candidates will engage in to develop their own theoretical knowledge and understanding (professional development) as well as to make their work pragmatic and relevant to planning learning experiences and developing effective student oriented curriculum.  Teacher inquiry may take many forms—action research, teacher research, autobiography, and arts-based inquiry.

Click on link below for the Tentative Course Schedule & Assignments: 

EDUC-450-03 Course Outline Final Copy  Check Weekly Readings/ Viewings for the Up-to-date Schedule & CHECK HERE FOR COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND CRITERIA***** YOUR INQUIRY PROPOSAL OUTLINE IS IN HERE TOO!

MARKING RUBRIC FOR Reading and Engagement activity for EDUC 450b

ClassObservation Checklist for Short practicum

MARKING RUBRIC FOR Inquiry I Proposal & Presentation


Education 451B (Tentative) Course Outline: Inquiry II

Inquiry II 451B Course Outline


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