Unit 3 Reflection Blog

The Process of Researching for my Formal Report Draft:

The process of researching for my formal report draft was interesting and exciting. First, it was interesting because I had never done much research on the topic of improving ergonomics and pain management in a dental office, so I was finding a lot of new information. It was quite easy to find literature on my topic which emphasized just how common poor ergonomics are in the dental field.

Secondly, my primary research of survey and interviews was exciting because I felt very passionate about my topic and determined to gather relevant material for the report. After my survey questions were approved to use, I realized I wasn’t exactly sure how to implement this survey. I wanted to get it across to several people but felt sending them a Word document and them having to send it back to me was impractical. So, I found a way to re-create my survey in an online forum and I could send people the link to it which makes it very easy for them to participate. I was so glad I found this online tool to use for my survey because not only was it an efficient way to gather findings, it automatically formulated tables and graphs to summarize the survey results. These tables and graphs were helpful because I used them in my formal report draft for my visuals and I could clearly see how many dental professionals experience work-related pain and poor ergonomics.

The Process of Organizing and Writing my Formal Report Draft:

I had a feeling I was going to struggle with organizing and writing my formal report draft because I have never written one before. However, the textbook really helped me throughout the entire writing process. Initially, I definitely had some issues with the layout and organizing my information, but after reviewing the textbooks explanations I had a better grasp on it. I found this was the type of writing project where once you start you get in the zone and just continue writing. I think one of the reasons that was the case was because of how involved I am in the issue I was writing about. It became clear just how much of a difference it makes in writing assignments when you’re truly passionate about a topic. Overall, the process of writing this formal report draft was a positive experience and I am happy with the outcome.

Reviewing my Peers Formal Report Draft:

I learned the importance of design in writing projects when reviewing my peers formal report. With something like a formal report where there is a lot of information and a lot of text it can be difficult for the reader to stay focused. My classmate did an excellent job at using bullet points to clearly identify recommendations for a solution and had a consistently clear design throughout the entire report. I noticed how important this quality was for a paper when I realized I was intrigued and engaged the whole time I was reading it, and I had no former knowledge of the information. Usually when reading something that you have no background in, it can be quite boring. However, with great design techniques implemented throughout a paper, a reader who knows nothing about the topic has a better chance of wanting to continue reading and can learn something new.

Formal Report

Unit Two Reflection Blog

Creating a LinkedIn Profile:
I found creating a professional social media account was a great way to use information from my resume and create a unique and interesting profile. The process of creating a LinkedIn profile was more time consuming than I had anticipated. I originally thought it shouldn’t take very long or be difficult to take information from my resume and put it on my profile. However, I realized there is precise detail and thought that goes into setting up a professional profile. I wanted to ensure I mention all relevant previous work experience, skills and create a unique summary. After completing the profile, I felt confident that this would be an excellent way to professionally network with others.

Process of Preparing my Report Proposal and Outline:
I found it very helpful to organize my research plans in the form of a report proposal and outline. I definitely feel on track with the progress of my report. I am a full-time student and I work full time, so I am very busy. Having organizational and time management skills helps reduce my stress levels and ensure I don’t miss any deadlines. The report proposal and outline were the perfect organizational task I needed to help plan out the rest of the semester. I am curious with how my investigation is going to become a formal report. I have never created a formal report before so it will be an interesting and a new experience. I imagine if I stick to my outline, I will gather all of the information I need for the formal report, and the formal report will be a complete package of my findings.

Peer Reviewing my Partners Proposal:
When peer reviewing my partner’s report proposal, I learned that organization is key to a good first impression. By being organized the purpose of the report is clearly stated in the introduction which prevents confusion for the reader. Also, peer reviewing my partner’s proposal encouraged me to focus more on expression and grammar in my own report proposal and future assignments. I learned that it is easier to catch small mistakes in someone else’s writing than in your own. Overall, peer reviewing my partner’s report proposal helped me better understand the objectives of the formal report and the importance of slowly down when writing.

The Peer Review Process:
Peer reviewing allows me to gain perspective on different writing styles. It is refreshing to read someone else’s work after re-reading your own work again and again. The strategies I have learned from peer reviewing help me in my other assignments as well. I ensure all assignment requirements are met, typos are avoided, and organization is consistent. This process has created somewhat of a “checklist” in my mind when I am doing other assignments to ensure high quality in my work.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Peer Review I Received

Reflection Blog for Assignment 1:3

The original writing of this assignment was something I felt confident with because I simplify complex terms daily in my professional life. Working in a dental office I regularly have to explain to patients the steps of a procedure so we can obtain consent to begin treatment. During the original writing process of this assignment I was trying to think of what I would say to a patient who needs a root canal. A challenge I faced when doing this was there are certain words that I am familiar with, but I sometimes forget the general population would not know what it means.

The peer review portion was an interesting process. I developed an understanding of how overwhelming it is to first try to learn something that you know nothing about. When peer reviewing my classmates work, I realized how important it is to have an organized structure to your writing. My classmate did a great job including subheadings to separate the information and create an easy flow for the reader. I also learned throughout this process that I have a strength in attention to detail by noticing minor grammatical errors and missing citations. This helped me gain confidence in my writing skills. To know that I am able to help a fellow classmate improve their writing skills also contributed to my confidence as a writer.

The most impactful part of this assignment for me was the editing process. I learned how to select the right level of detail for a specific audience and situation. For example, I am around dental terms all day and they have become so familiar to me that I forget they are not common words for the general public. I edited a few parts of my writing to include parenthetical definitions of certain terms like “crown” and “antibacterial” to help the reader better understand the material. I also realized the need for visuals to have corresponding descriptions. When first selecting the visual of a root canal procedure I understood the picture right away so assumed others would too. My classmate that peer reviewed my work suggested I include the steps that the visual is showing so they know what they are looking at. That was a very eye-opening experience for me and helped me recognize the importance of being specific and direct when defining a complex term.

To conclude, I have learned that I need to take my time when writing in order to select the right level of detail for the situation. I understand the importance of peer reviewing to gain an alternate perspective of writing styles and learn your own strengths along the way.

My revised assignment: Revised definition assignment

My peer’s review of my original work: Assignment-1.3-Peer-Review (1)



To: Roxanne Robles <>
From: Erin Mungham <>
Date: September 18th, 2020
Subject: Professional Writing Team

Hello Roxanne,

After reading your application letter, I have decided that I would like to have you as a member of my professional writing team.

You mentioned you are currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree majoring in Statistics. I am enrolled in the Bachelor of Dental Science Degree program here at UBC and believe our shared interest in science would allow us to collaborate well in a team environment. The co-op placement experience you outlined makes you perfectly suited to tackle anything that may be tasked to our team.

Based on our similar learning philosophies, I believe working together as part of a team would enable us to learn from each other and continue to improve our writing skills.

If you are interested in becoming a member of my professional writing team, please let me know. I have attached my letter of application to this message.

Thank you,

Erin Mungham

Attachments: 301 Erin Mungham Application Letter


EMAIL 2 (reply)

From: Erin Mungham <>
To: Junrong Zhu <>
Date: September 19th, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team

Hello Junrong,

Thank you for your email! After reviewing your application, I do think we would make a great team. Your practical experience in writing formal letters, emails, brochures and amenity cards would be very useful. I can tell you have great work ethic and would be a reliable and detail-oriented teammate.

Thank you,

Erin Mungham



From: Erin Mungham <>
To: Selena Smith <>
Date: September 20th, 2020
Subject: ENGL Technically Writing Team

Hello Selena,

I have reviewed your application letter and I think you would be a great addition to my professional writing team. Your collaborative work ethic would fit well with our team dynamic. I believe you would be able to provide our team with great leadership based on your experience facilitating workshops and organizing fundraisers.

If you are interested in becoming a member of my professional writing team, please let me know. I have attached my letter of application to this message.

Thank you,

Erin Mungham

Attachment: 301 Erin Mungham Application Letter



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 99A Instructor
From: Erin Mungham, English 301 99A Student
Date: September 18, 2020
Subject: Professional Writing Team Application Letter Summary

As you requested on the course website, I have completed my application letter to be part of a professional writing team and posted it on my blog. The attached letter includes:

  • Previous experience in my professional field and academic achievements
  • My strengths and weaknesses in writing
  • My learning philosophy

Please let me know if you require any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Enclosure: 301 Erin Mungham Application Letter

Application Letter

272 Citiplace Drive
Ottawa, ON K2E 0A9

September 17, 2020

English 301 99A Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Dear class of English 301 99A,

Please consider my application to be a member of your professional writing team for the duration of the semester. My academic achievements include a Pre-Health Science Certificate and a Dental Hygiene Advanced Diploma. I remained on the Dean’s Honours List throughout both programs. I am a registered dental hygienist and I am currently enrolled at UBC for a Bachelor of Dental Science. I believe that my strong work ethic and my writing skills would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

Through my academic and professional experiences, I have developed strengths in my writing that will be beneficial to this team. I am detail oriented, very organized and able to follow specific writing structures. In my professional life, I have created social media pages and brochures to help with advertising, produced extensive documents outlining policies and procedures necessary for dental offices (e.g., health and safety, infection prevention and control) and created logbooks for equipment maintenance. I have also demonstrated professionalism and respect when it comes to any online communication.

While I recognize my strengths, I understand that I still have room to improve. I am hoping that being a part of an encouraging and supportive writing team will allow me to better myself as a writer. I believe that the different perspectives within a group dynamic will help me to prevent overthinking and improve the speed at which I get my thoughts onto paper.

I aim for excellence in my work, I remain dedicated and focused until the work is complete and I stay organized the entire time. My learning philosophy is always be curious. Be curious enough to ask questions when uncertain about something. Be curious enough to pursue further understanding and dive into research. Be curious enough that you care about what you are learning.

Thank you for considering me to be a member of your professional writing team. If you feel that I would be a good fit or have any questions please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.


Erin Mungham

301 Erin Mungham Application Letter



ENG 301 is an online technical writing course offered at UBC. This course involves the study of principles of written and online communications in business and professional contexts. ENG 301 will also teach you how to prepare abstracts, proposals, applications, and reports.

The course objectives are to introduce you to distinctive elements of writing, engage in the production and analysis of documents, and develop writing and self-editing skills. There are three major writing assignments in this course:

  1. The Formal Report
  2. The Application Package on Linked-in
  3. The Web Folio

At the end of term you will present samples of your best work on an online portfolio in the form of a UBC website of your own design and creation.


I have never taken a technical writing course before, so I am very eager to get started. I have a clinical/science background, so I have not had much experience in writing and perfecting writing skills. With that being said, I am very interested in developing writing and communication techniques that I can use and continue to improve on throughout my career. I expect to overcome any challenges I face throughout the course and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end. I also expect that what I learn in regards to analyzing and producing documents will be very helpful in future career opportunities.

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