Social Enterprise vs. United Nations



Photo Source: as found November 12th, 2014

The United Nations (UN) is a well established intergovernmental organization which serves a necessary purpose. The UN provides assistance all around the world to avoid conflict and provide solutions. The UN has great value, however, in my opinion, the organization provides short term solutions. Social enterprise and actions such as the Arc initiative create opportunities to network, create personal relationships and provide long term solutions.  Therefore, I believe that even if the United Nations were fully funded, there would still be a need for social enterprise.

The Arc Initiative provides business tools that give solutions for the long run while creating personal relationships and opportunities to network. The Arc helped Ms. Tesfaye in Ethiopia who was inspired by a speaker from the Arc Initiative workshop and was given the necessary advice to start and run a successful restaurant of her own.

Social enterprise is crucial in creating long lasting improvements around the world. The UN focuses on quick solutions for immediate problems but social enterprise gives the opportunity for locals to educate themselves in ways that will allow their country to continuously grow and prosper after the international aid has left. This is key in such a globalized world.

*this blog is in preparation of class 20 and not a part of my submitted 10

Oil Country



Photo Source: As found on November 5th, 2014

Anxiety rises in Alberta as oil prices decline. Oil is crucial to Alberta’s economy. The decrease in prices has caused much discussion and debate all over the world. This change in price could result in increased unemployment, a hindrance for real estate and a decrease in the economic boom in Alberta. The province has prided itself on economic growth and strength over the years. Oil production has been largely beneficial to the province but also to Canada as a whole and this slowdown is a concern for the entire country.

As an Albertan, I am concerned with the low price oil has reached and the effect this has on my home. I struggle to see the benefits to other regions of Canada from this downturn that Macdonald and Vieira refer to in the Wall Street Journal. Alberta is a safe haven to job seekers. Our unemployment rates are (and have been for years) far below the average in Canada. Oil production is “an estimated 7.5% of Canada’s GDP”, and therefore very influential on the country as a whole.


Photo Source: Posted on April 18th, 2013

A drop in oil prices will not only negatively effect Alberta, but the country as a whole will be heavily effected and should bear this in mind. The negatives for Alberta outweigh the potential positives in other provinces from this economic slowdown. At the end of the day, we all live in oil country.

Apple vs Microsoft

Forbes’ article on the most valuable brands discusses the importance of a strong brand name for a company. The brand name is the company’s chance at creating a lasting first impression on the consumer; it is therefore the most valuable asset because it directly influences the buyer. A strong brand value creates increasing returns to a company by allowing it to charge a premium price or increasing its market share.



Photo Source: As found November 5th, 2014

Forbes ranked Apple as number one and Microsoft as number two for the World’s Most Valuable Brands of 2014. It is interesting when you compare new technologies emerging from companies competing with Apple to actual Apple products. Competing companies are developing just as quickly, creating products that are just as, if not more, efficient, modern and user friendly as Apple products, and yet these companies struggle to receive the same recognition and the same market share. The power of Apple is so strong in the consumers mind that it is the subject of comparison; this is how you know it is a strong brand. People will pay a higher price for an Apple product than for an cheaper yet equally valuable product over at Microsoft.  I will admit, I am one of those consumers brainwashed by Apple. Now that I have Apple products, I can never see myself switching. When thinking of purchasing a new cell phone, a new music player or laptop, I think of Apple and what the company’s newest model this year is. To switch from Apple to Microsoft would result in consistent comparisons and constant disappointment, quite possibly only because it does not have that sleek Apple symbol.


Photo Source: Published on November 16th, 2011

I do not believe Microsoft will ever surpass Apple in brand value. Apple subconsciously dominates the consumers mind and this influence is hard to overcome once present.