finding simplicity in the complex

2455 and counting???

Like Angela, I hold a similar problem of waking up every morning to 2455 new emails, only to discover that a max. total of two emails hold any shred of significance in my day-to-day life. A heavily uneven portion of my daily mail (2453) is usually distributed to the mass amount of store promos that I had (too) willingly given my email to, each with the initial hope of receiving unrealistic promotions that any typical Asian mind (cheap!!! cheap!! cheap!!!) would conceive. With each sign-up, I knew, in the back of my head, that the sender’s address would have, at most, one week before it loses the privilege of having it sent directly to my Inbox as opposed to Junk. I’m not denying that the promotions are actually worthwhile sometimes, but unfortunately, that sometimes is really just once in a blue moon. And, as I sink deeper and deeper into my online (window) shopping addiction, my list of shop subscriptions continues to to expand (there is no cure).

Perhaps I’m missing out on an alarming amount of promotional offers, but at this point where my email is being continuously fed with promotional emails that I now deem junk, I could really care less. From Apple updates to Vivienne Westwood to Old Navy…they’re all just promotional spams that now sit collectively in my Junk and Trash folders. No matter the difference in store or industry, I perceive them all as identical junk mails–there is no differentiation. I may be a bit bold in making this declaration (especially seeing as this is purely an opinion-based post), but I really do think that email subscriptions to promotions and deals has lost their values to the consumers of today.

1 comment

1 ewilliamson { 03.08.11 at 7:19 am }

Interesting post, Esther. You’re suffering from fatigue of this type of promotional vehicle. How can companies cut through the noise to reach you? Some of them reach you, though, don’t they, because you continue to subscribe and continue to check whether there may be some sort of deal. Which ones are the ones that you act on? That may be worth investigating more closely.

Keep up the good work.


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