finding simplicity in the complex

What Change?

The human mind is quite the interesting concept, often embarking on journeys of self-contradictions. We frequently find ourselves drawn to a specific path, only to be soon caught heading in the opposite direction. Too often, our minds immediately reject the notion of change without first taking time to contemplate the mass potential that the change may bring. We often fail to to see the yin at the initial proposition of change, with our minds having already been polluted with a million reasons of rejection having only seen the yang. However, once change has been enforced, we have a tendency to soon accept, having fast adapted despite our initial resistance.

Facebook is a prime example that immediately came to mind as a frame to this concept. Let’s take a moment to walk down memory lane:

In its first year of existence (2004-2005)

In 2007 (when I became a user. I was...Early Majority?)

In 2009

Now (and probably not for much longer)

Looking back, it’s quite evident that Facebook has come a long way. Many layout changes had been administered, with the addition of numerous applications. Each change had brought along creations of petitions demanding a reversion to its last previous stage (with threats of users potentially discontinuing their usage of the service), but in the end, the change ALWAYS prevailed, with users eventually succumbing to adaptation of the new features. Facebook’s “Like” button can be considered the epitome of the previous statement, having grown from consumers’ perception of being “utterly useless” to a concept that has been so ingrained into our lives today. This world consistently seeks change (despite our usual initial resistance), and without change, a company will be left in the dust, with no possibilities of survival in the near future.


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