finding simplicity in the complex

Singing Me a Song

Upon reading Elisha’s blog, I found myself vigorously nodding my head (my exercise of the week) in agreement, having gone through the exact same experiences as her in regards to brand jingles. Music evokes the human brain’s senses and emotions, and it is through the awakening of a combination of such that allows the mind to absorb brand jingles at a faster rate than advertisements endorsing only a single sense (e.g. posters providing only visual aid). As annoying as a jingle may be, the brand can easily be absorbed into a person’s conscience through this melodious medium, allowing the brand to immediately surface at the top of consumers’ minds at the slightest mention of the its associations. The main purpose of the jingle has been fulfilled.

For example, the store that immediately crept into my mind when “bed mattresses” is mentioned? Sleep Country (Canada). Its “Sleep Country, Canada, why buy a mattress anywhere else?” jingle is not necessarily a tune that one would want as a MP3 on one’s iPod, but it’s catchy, and it has been ingrained into the head of so many consumers that for most, it’s the first (and often only) place that will appear to consumers’ minds at the slightest mention of “bed mattresses”.

Other jingles that come to mind:

Midas: “Trust the Midas Touch”

Hungry Hungry Hippos
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McDonalds: “I’m loving it”
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