JMDedu is a media company that covers the edtech industry in China, informing and connecting business professionals through reports, events, and information services. Their mission is to drive the advancement of education. Their network is across education industry in China as well as globally — entrepreneurs, investors, startups, educators, business-decision makers, and policy-decision makers. JMDedu is also an investor in EdSurge.
The website layout is user friendly. In their “articles” section, there are tags you can select so it’s very easy to view the areas that you are more interested in, so it provides a more personal experience. The “data” section provides lots of researched data analysis on different areas of education in China, for example you can find information that will help you understand the international school market, after school market, etc. They also have an annual China EdTech Report which provides a comprehensive summary and deep insight into China’s education industry and EdTech fundraising deals.
I like this website because I often have a hard time explaining to English-speakers in China on education trends, and even when I do, I feel like I lack credible English sources that I can share with them. This website provides a good resource for me to have conversations with English speakers living in China regarding the latest educational trends.
For more information go to: https://en.jmdedu.com/
I enjoyed going through this site, as it provides me a perspective that I am not overly aware of. Initially I thought there was a lot of information to weed through, however after going through the site it is quite user friendly. For instance, I liked how you can narrow your search by clicking on the topics, even allowing you to combine multiple topics. Delving deeper into the site was also interesting, such as “China’s EdTech Investment” page, where I was introduced to an industry I did not realize to be so popular.
What a great resource! I am currently living and teaching in China and I have not come across such an easy-to-use English website with so much information regarding education in China. I think this information is especially valuable to foreign educators who do not speak the language and therefore struggle to find this information on these subjects. From my experience, most educators who teach in China never learn enough Chinese to navigate and understand other Chinese educational websites and therefore miss out on this information. I also think this website would also be a great resources for venturers in education because of the vast amount of information on the current Chinese education marketplace. I would recommend this website to other educators, policy decision makers, investors or anyone else with an interest in Chinese education. I plan to use this website in the future and will recommend it to my colleagues.
Hi Emily, Thanks for introducing JMDedu to us. I often read education-related reports on it that is the most valuable and comprehensive education platform in China. I can always find in-depth value and high-quality articles in JMDedu. It is committed to providing information services for information mining and transmission of the education industry, discovering companies and products with innovations and opportunities in the industry, and interpreting government policies and market changes. Since 2015, JMDedu has held GET Summit&Expo every year and invited many outstanding education practitioners to share their experience and insights about the education industry. Due to the pandemic, it combined virtual and physical to finish the expo. Here is the information about GET2020 (https://get2020.jiemodui.com/en/#about). Several other Chinese information platforms are similar to the JMDedu, such as Duozhi, 36kr, Jingmeiti, and Fudaoquan. Still, unfortunately, they only do Chinese content and do not have corresponding English versions.