Peter Komornik is a co-founder, CEO and Production Team Lead of Sli.do, an audience response platform used for everything from large event such as the World Economic Forum, to lectures here at UBC. Sli.do is an online platform that takes the best of audience response systems such as iCkicler and makes it entirely digital. No special hardware is needed and audience members can participate right from their smartphone.
Peter Komornik saw success not just as the founder of Sli.do, he has prior experience working for both Google and Samsung along with an MBA that no doubt helped prepare him for the world of a technology startup. There a few key things I appreciate about Peter Komornik’s approach with Sli.do. First, I admire the focus on a simple concept with broad applications. Audience response systems are used in a variety of contexts and Sli.do has done a great job of maintaining a broad appeal, rather than isolating themselves in a single niche. Second, I appreciate that despite Sli.do having over 150 employees and being relatively well establish for a startup, Peter Komornik is still not only the CEO, but the production team lead as well. We have seen from people like Steve Jobs how effective a visionary leader with direct involvement in design and production can be.
What a nice platform! Even though is a good online platform but it is interesting because it doesn’t need a hardware to be installed. The developer also saw the increase in Zoom usage so they integrate the software with Zoom. A successful company is what use other’s success to market their own product.