Franklin Lyons- Merge Lab’s

Merge Lab’s has taken AR/VR into the classroom. Merges Lab’s primary item is the Holocube which, along with the Merge Explorer apps, allows users (students, teachers and public) to enter, manipulate and visualize AR scitentici concepts such as Geological layers, anatomy dissections and more! Merge Labs has also expanded to include MergeEdu which is a resource teacher can find lessons and guides from, and students can upload their own 3D creations to explore further.  Merge labs also have a Merge Headset that is used in a more traditional virtual reality model which links to your mobile or PC and allows you to explore the Merge Explore app in a more engaging method. 

Franklin Lyons start-up success can be attributed to his past in the technology world, as well as being a co-founder in multiple other projects. With Merge being his most recent creation as of 2014, his history incudes array of director roles in Apple productions (2003-2004), Bauhaus Software (2004-2006), MyToons (2006-2003), Nokia (2012-2013) and a founder in companies such as Metazen (2003), Spinfall (2010).  Lyon continued to rise within the Technology scene and has been an innovator since the start. With work in AR/VR programming starting nearly 10 years, and experience managing teams Lyons was set for success. Lyon’s presence in the animation world allowed him to identify up & coming technology, and his dedication to creating products fuelled Merge Labs. Through two rounds of investment, MergeLabs garnered near to a million dollars in venture capital. Merge Lab’s commitment to education within schooling systems is clear, as their product offers licensing, professional development, and they have often partnered with in-class teachers to grow their market base.  Merge Labs has garnered numerous awards from a range of public and private sectors and award systems. 

Merge Labs MergeCube is an incredibly intuitive product that allows for learning and engagement no matter the age of the audience. With interactive, alterable scenarios MergeCube is a necessary tool for your science classroom. Personally, I have used it to conduct science dissection experiments, as an alternative to physical dissections. With the public shift away from animals in science, especially public school MergeCube has the solution. 



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2 responses to “Franklin Lyons- Merge Lab’s”

  1. paul johnson

    It looks like Franklin Lyons has the experience in the tech sector to be a success as the founder of Merge Labs. His resume seems very impressive. The Merge Cube product looks very interesting. The fact that it gives the user the opportunity to engage in VR in a tactile way seems like a great idea.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Adrian Granchelli

    Franklin appears to have an impressive record of developing cutting edge medias and technology for over a decade before this Mergelabs. It seems that experience in entrepreneurship is the most valuable skill in launching a successful product.

    Very cool that you have personal experience with this tool – it looks real interesting !

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