One of Science’s biggest challenges is its complexity. Joan Francy has struggled for over 30 years to break down the walls of complexity, simplifying and opening it up to all Healthcare Education.
Joan Francy has been chosen by IBM and the IBM Watson team as an honoree of the 2021 Women Leaders in AI class, along with 40 other women worldwide.
Joan Francy works as CEO at AdMed, which is an Advertising and Marketing company with around 34 employees; and founded in 1986. Joan graduated from The Tuck School of Business in Dartmouth and is currently based in Philadelphia, United States.

AdMed is an integrated agency that designs and delivers state-of-the-art training tools for pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostics and medical products. Using an interactive and immersive approach enables modern Flipped Classroom learning, enhanced visual microclasses, and other forward-looking learning techniques. Among many health science subjects, an area on the Admed website is dedicated to opioid abuse and prevention education. Opioid abuse is one of the few non-profit initiatives.

Hi Alexei, as someone who works in the healthcare software industry, I am thrilled to learn about AdMed and Joan Francy. I’d love to see more about what AdMed has accomplished and what kind of courses it creates! I have always been interested in Flipped Classrooms and would love to see the results of the AdMed tools.
Hello Emma,
I love flipped classrooms too. More and more, what guides our students are their spontaneous interests, which irreversibly change the work of teachers.