A3 Venture Pitch : Language Domination

Hello everyone! Welcome to my venture pitch! At Language Domination TM we look forward to creating a game-based learning game that will hopefully change the way we view game-based learning games in the near future. Below is my venture pitch.


( Average Rating: 4 )

16 responses to “A3 Venture Pitch : Language Domination”

  1. Justine

    Petros, this is a great idea for a game. As an educator in elementary school, I just experienced a situation where I could have used a game like this. I had a student from Colombia who spoke no english, and I had many opportunities throughout the day where I would have loved to have her play a game like this to help her learn the english language.

    I love the concept all together, like I mentioned above. I can see this being a helpful tool to use in the classroom, and you may even want to add elementary school subscriptions as a target market for language domination. I like that students will have a strong motivation to play the game with the rewards and purchasing options. I like the 3 game modes, but I would suggest that the group game modes be groups of 2 or 1v1 because if students are playing at home, they may want to verse a sibling and not a lot of people have 3-4 siblings! You state that the target age is 12-17, and I do question why you chose this age range? I feel like a game like this could be built and created for 5+. Your start up costs are reasonable considering the support needed to create the game.

    Overall, would I invest in this company? Absolutely, however, I would want to come in and expect a reasonable amount of equity in the company. I would also highly recommend the changes mentioned above. I truly do think this company would do well in the educational sector! Well done, Petros!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Justine

      Sorry, I forgot to put that this was a REVIEW.

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Petros Katsigiannis

        Hello Justine, thank you for your review! I really appreciated the suggestions, and questions you brought up. As I mentioned in my venture pitch, I felt as I was creating Language Domination that I would have rather had a team with me than doing it individually because there are definitely areas I can improve upon, and your post has really helped me recognize some of the things I wasn’t sure about. The reason I put game modes of 3-4 was because I consider Language Domination a game where you can play online. Through online connectivity, players can play with friends or even with other people online. To answer your question regarding the age range, I chose this age range initially because I thought to myself “How would persay a 5 year old interact with a 15 year old playing the game?”. In Language Domination, to play the games, you need a certain minor level of English proficiency in order to collaborate and complete the in-game objectives. However, I do agree with you that there can definitely be a game mode or several game modes that can be implemented for a younger audience (like 5-10 years old). In regard to your demands, I find them to be very reasonable considering you are an educator yourself, and that I am seeking for a group of educators that can understand my vision presently and moving forward with the company.

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. joseph villella

    FEEDBACK: Hi Petros, I think Language Domination is a great idea! Gamification is a really great idea for language education, and I see the value in your idea. I also think that your long-term goals are great and would further help make Language Domination a popular option. Community events in gaming are basically free advertising as it creates a FOMO feeling for the players. Overall, great pitch!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Petros Katsigiannis

      Thank you for your feedback Joseph! I agree with you that gamification is a great idea for language education, and this is why I was motivated to create Language Domination. As a gamer myself and after analyzing the market and seeing that there are no games that let the player customize/take control of their gaming learning experience, I figured why not give this a shot and see where it goes.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Jocelyn

    FEEDBACK: Hi Petros,
    I am loving the language learning themes going on here! Language Domination sounds like an engaging venture that takes language learning to the next level with its community and global reach. The explanation of your game along with its gamification elements were clearly outlined. I like how the avatars can explore different places around the world and that your long term goals include partnerships with Disney/ Marvel to reach into the fantasy world. I wonder if your target market age range is too restricted between 12-17 and can envision a wider, younger audience. The freemium and premium business model is an effective one, especially for games as it increases accessibility and provides some profit, similar to the success of games like Roblox. As an investor, this is a venture that I can get behind!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Petros Katsigiannis

      Hello Jocelyn, thank you for the great feedback! To answer your question, I had initially put the age range to 12-17 years old because I do believe that the players have to have a small degree of English proficiency in order to communicate with each other (whether through in-game voice chat or written chat) in order to accomplish the learning/game goals. But I do think that one adjustment I would make to my venture pitch is to create the same 3 game modes but in 2 sections : 5-10 and then 12-17 years old.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    2. Jocelyn

      Apologies, this should read REVIEW:

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. EmilyOlson

    FEEDBACK: The ways in which you differentiate your gamified language learning platform (with a variety of games, character personalization, and exploration of virtual environments while playing) all seem very engaging and make for a unique venture. Longterm goals of collaboration for engagement (inspired by FortNite concerts) are really fun and interesting. Business model + Investments and funding sections are laid out clearly and concisely. I like the potential through the explorations section for learners to learn a bit about the culture of a place as well as the language, and I’m interested in learning more about this section and the environments to consider how they could be used to maximize potential.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Petros Katsigiannis

      Hello Emily, thank you for the constructive feedback! I think the exploration of the map is a great way for the players to learn a language, through collaborations and through the team at Language Domination TM. It would be great to incorporate cultural learning aspects in the map.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. sage capogreco

    Review: Hi Petros, I found your venture to be interesting and I really like the idea for a large-scale language-base game. I also like the name “Language domination” as being something almost ‘too cool for school’. As for feedback, I am very curious to see more details about the venture. I would have liked to see some more compelling script in the elevator pitch ‘ pushing the product’ -i.e. explaining more the design and uniqueness of what you are proposing. As well, from what you propose, it seems like Language Domination TM is an massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). If this is the case, I think you could include some information on the strategy of using this kind of setup for learning (i.e. creating communities of practise, players encouraging each others progress). I am also envisioning the learning map to be a kind of Neopets-type map where users point and click to travel to a different area. Is this the case? I would be interested to know a little more how you envision this world to work. Are there 3D elements for instance? Are there opportunities for players to communicate with each other in these environments, and how?

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  6. alexei Peter Dos Santos

    FEEBACK: Congratulations, Petros. Your creative project opened my mind to the potential of gamification with immediate and long-term advantages. The possibility of involving children and adolescents in the same platform, generating inclusion and facilitating learning. I believe it has great potential in teaching English to vulnerable adults, considering that games add fun and community integration to knowledge.
    Indeed, my spectrum of ideas and perceptions about games was amplified irreversibly.
    Thank you!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  7. Katie M

    Hi Petros,

    I think that you have found a necessary solution to a common problem with language learning, which is that most softwares for this tend to be a bit dry and less likely to capture the attention of learners. This reminds me of a more impressively designed version of Prodigy, which I use with my class for math. The pricing model you suggested with a free and premium experience seems to be standard with this type of product and would be familiar to both schools and families. I also think that the age group you chose to target makes your product a good investment as many more game-based language learning products exist for younger students and this fills a hole in the market. The upfront investment for your product seems very high and I wonder if a scaled down version could be made to start off with. This way you could scale it up as you find more investors.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  8. greg patton

    Hey Petros,
    REVIEW: Really enjoyed your Venture Pitch! I firmly believe that game-based learning is an important aspect of education that needs to be used more in classrooms. I love the idea of zeroing this product in for the ELL learners as I find that the materials for these students can be less than exciting. My only real question was about the gameplay itself; curious why users had to always be in groups of 3 or 4? I look at games like Mario Cart (I know… not even close to the same, but hear me out) and how they have the option of 1 to 4 players. I race with my kids (they kill me) and I want to get better, so I practice by myself (I’m pathetic) on 1 player mode to work on my skills. I see that working for your game as well; students who are a bit lower than the rest of their group may want to work on their skills alone so that when they come back they can contribute more and feel like a valid member of the team. Anyways, I would love to invest in your venture and then see where it could expand to next.

    Weel done!


    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  9. emma pindera

    Review/Feedback – A great idea and a great model. I would have loved to see a competitive analysis of how “LANGUAGE DOMINATION TM” features does against other learning games or language learning apps. I also would have loved to see a more thorough financial/profit analysis on what my revenue would be in a year or two. Overall, an amazing pitch and a great venture, and I think with more thorough competitive analysis and revenue research I would definitely consider investing.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  10. Scott Hladun

    FEEDBACK: Hi Petros , thanks for your great in depth venture pitch! I think this is a fantastic idea and something that has such great potential. I remember when I was learning a second language, and struggling greatly, I found that being immersed in situations where I was required to use contextual clues to figure out what a word meant were far more meaningful for my learning than just simply getting the direct translation. It seems like you’re business does just this, by immersing students in situations where they’re required to investigate the language and problem solve. Your business seems very well thought out, and something that can be easily integrated into the existing curriculum, or explored individually at home. Great work!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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