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Pitch Pool: PasswordPocket

Link: If you are anything like me, you have dozens of different accounts that require usernames and passwords. For me, the solution has been to have similar usernames and passwords across different platforms to ensure I do not forget login info. This is a terrible idea from a security perspective. PasswordPocket would solve that […]

Pitch Pool: Mote – Voice Recorded Feedback

Pitch Pool: Mote – Voice Recorded Feedback

Users of Google Classroom, Google Docs, and Google Slides can record voice comments and feedback with the Mote Google Chrome extension. Mote was created primarily to help teachers save time by giving them a quicker way to provide feedback to their pupils. Instead of typing out their thoughts, which can take a lot of time […]

Off-Grid Simulation App – Land Lab Simulator

The Land Lab Simulator is a powerful design app to help you rapidly build virtual off-grid systems blueprints for providing food, water, energy, sanitation, and shelter. This app will teach you how these systems work by allowing you to drag-and-drop real-life systems to provide for your needs. Every off-grid system in this app exists today (to purchase or […]