Analyst Report – CoSpaces Edu

CoSpaces is a great educational tool that combines programming and 3D mixed-reality content. It provide students with great opportunities to explore and create. Please find my analyst report here:

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2 responses to “Analyst Report – CoSpaces Edu”

  1. emma markoff

    Hi Trista,

    I loved your analyst report – it is so engaging, which makes it even that much more interesting to read.

    I also like how you balanced the potentials and challenges – and look at the challenges in a way that allows you to reflect on how you would address these issues if you were in the right spot. It looks as though CoSpaces has such great potential, but is limited by (hopefully) addressable issues. I think that as we continue to integrate technology into classrooms, these kinks might be sorted overall (having everyone on board with using a new technology, ironing out tech issues) – leading to further implementation of tools such as CoSpaces.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. sheena outerbridge sjoberg

    Thank you for a brilliant presentation, simple yet eloquent and easy to follow. Your presentation was global in concept and user friendly. It also outlined the basic considerations in education and learning which I much appreciated and I found it could be easily culturally adaptable.
    While Co-spaces does have some glitches, I think these would be manageable and certainly with the right minded investor, lead to greater achievements.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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