One response to “Assignment #1: EVA on Coursera”

  1. Simon Worley

    After reading your site, it looks like you are bought in on the benefits of Coursera. I do worry that the pandemic created a large bump in the user base and now that it is behind us, the user base could stagnate and decline as more people are returning to in-person learning and going away from online. Do you think this is a viable concern or will Coursera be able to weather this downturn as they are such a large player in the online learning space?
    As a potential investor, I’d like to see their plan on how they are going to handle the slow down of subscribers. As for market reach, I’d look to recruit the top teaching talent. This strategy worked for MasterClass and I feel this is a potential winner for Coursera. I would also create a pay structure for the teaching talent based on the subscribers of their lessons. This would incentivise the teacher to create an engaging and stimulating class as they profit from a larger subscriber base.
    P.S. Thanks for adding the financials to the presentation, it was interesting to see how it was all broken down.

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