From Wikipedia, Persuasive technologies are broadly defined as technologies designed to change attitudes or behaviors of the users through persuasion and social influence, but not necessarily through coercion.
‘Good’ examples of this strategy exist in the health profession, among others, to aid individuals in keep in keeping with a regimen that would be beneficial to their wellbeing. ‘Bad’ examples also proliferate, such as how persistent fake news on prevailing media channels can gradually shift collective opinions in asocial directions.
The reason this option is offered here is that Gartner (2021) has identified the “Internet of Behaviours” as a top ten technology (below), so it is important to examine critically.
Opportunity Statement:
Cultural, social and individual persuasion have been essential to humanity forever, including within education, so the potentials and pitfalls of digital persuasion are deeply relevant to the modern educator.
Gartner Top Ten Technologies 2021: Internet of Behaviours
My field requires an indoctrination and the individual adopting a professional culture. I believe that persuasive technologies are not as vital to many other professions. However, within paramilitary environments, the affective domain of learning is challenging to teach. This affective domain is heavily influenced by persuasive environments, changing our attitudes towards certain topics. One of my main interests within education is non-formal and informal learning, which adults often overlook as learning. I believe that these persuasive technologies are often significant forms of learning (which adult often overlook, and since they are not recognizing the knowledge as learning/changing perspective, it becomes dangerous when it designed with malice).
As a healthcare educator, I see value in introducing persuasive technologies to future healthcare providers. It’s one thing to educate patients but it’s another thing to change their behaviour in order to improve/maintain health. Perhaps persuasive technologies can give healthcare providers a tool to help patients adapt healthy lifestyle habits.
I also see persuasive technology playing a role in students’ lives. I’m curious if there’s technology available to change students approaches to learning – organizational habits, taking responsibility for learning, etc.