Hi Everyone,
My name is Robyn and I am not in the MET program but am I taking this class an elective for my MEd in Adult Learning at UBC. I am half way done my program and this is my first time taking a MET class! (super excited to learn from all of you!)
In addition to studying I also work in the Career Center at UBC Sauder as a Careers Program Manager. My work focuses on experiential learning and these past few years online has really peaked my interest in learning innovations and technologies. I am interested in how we can scale and expand educational access and learning opportunities for students. Additionally I am also interested in work and learning and how we can leverage learning technologies and innovations to increase employee engagement in the workplace.
When I am not studying or working I love to spend time outdoors (hiking, skiing and biking) and I love to travel! Here are a few of my favourite pictures from this past summer – Can you guess the locations?
Welcome to a MET class, Robyn! So far, this is organized quite differently than the other 7 I have taken.
I am a big fan of experiential learning and career education – your role sounds very interesting. As for the pictures, some of those landscapes look like New Zealand and Chile. However, I know with restricted travel and that their seasons are the opposite from us, that it is unlikely. My guesses are west coast of Vancouver Island for the beach shot, Chilcotlins for the middle shot, and a provincial park somewhere near the BC/Alberta border for the lower shot?
Looking forward to learning with you, Mev.