A3 – Concierge by Top Hat
This venture is a proposed new market for an established startup Classroom Management Software company, Top Hat. Top Hat currently has no presence in the K-12 market. Most marketers would agree that educators are slow to embrace technology. It’s not a resistance to tech per se, but a resistance to the expenditure of precious time […]
A1 Analysis – Formative.
Formative Assessment. It is and should be an integral part of an educator’s practice, but sometimes it is difficult to implement properly, and that is where Technology-Enabled Formative Assessment comes in. Formative (http://goformative.com) was created to provide an easy to adopt tool for educators to engage their students, gain feedback and data on student progress, […]
Clicbot is an educational toy I found on Kickstarter, designed to progressively engage and develop robotics / coding skills in children. I’m thinking, cuter, more modern, more “WALL-e” than LEGO Mindstorm. There is a progressive teaching structure, from kit-building to customization though to coding in Python.
Newbie in the House
Al Carmichael, joining this class from Victoria, BC. This is my first of two courses in the MET, and I’m excited about returning to the other side of the education equation–I’ve been teaching Physics, Chemistry and junior science for 25 years at the same school. I have experience ( recall first using that new, emerging […]