Assignment 3 – P2P learning platform
Living in China for the past five years has given me opportunities to travel through remote places in China and other Asian countries. As an educator I wish all the children could get equal opportunity to receive proper education. However due to the financial, geographical locations, physical issues and many external and internal reasons, there […]
Venture Analysis on VIPKid
Having lived in China for the past five years, I have seen VIPKid ads everywhere including subways, media and physical brochures. There seems to be many parents in China with young children who trust VIPKid. I used the opportunity presented by this assignment to learn more about this company so I could have a better […]
Yu Minhong – New Oriental
Yu Minhong is the founder and CEO of the New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. Born in a rural area in Jiangsu, China, Yu was admitted into Peking University in 1980 after failing the national entry exams two times. After only one year of schooling he was sent back home for a year having […]
Mitchel Resnick – Scratch Game Creator
Original posted by Brogan Pratt on May 29, 2019 Mitchel Resnick is known as the godfather of Scratch Game Creator. He is the Lego Papert Professor of Learning Research at MIT, the Director of Okawa Center, and the Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT. With an impressive number of developmental tool creations under his belt, […]
OECD: Global Education Innovation Reports
The Trends Shaping Education report on the OECD website highlights that teaching is no longer just to teach students local knowledge, but rather as we are in the digital world, educators have a responsibility to give students a global perspective on the world to help them to become global citizens. This report offers educators a […]
Hello from Beijing, China
Hello everyone, I am Fiona. I am currently a stay-at-home mom. I got a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Calgary many years ago and got a second Bachelor’s degree in Education from University of Ottawa specializing in P/J after having children of my own. After teaching other kids, I learned first […]