If you believe that each student, teacher, and family deserve quick, easy access to technology, as I do, then I have just the product for you! I introduce, SecurED. What we offer is a multi-purpose, multi-platform, infrastructure program that is downloadable onto a portable USB/ bluetooth enabled device. The program, contained on this one convenient […]
Analyst Report: Pear Deck
Even though Direct Instruction has fallen out of favour, the pendulum is slowly swinging back, and it is starting to gain popularity as a way to disperse content to students (especially with our current global situation, requiring many educators to teach remotely). Imagine being able to present content to students through Direct Instruction while still […]
Eric & Mary Oemig- founders of Boom Learning
Eric Oemig (co-founder) Chairman & CTO While serving in the Washington State Senate, Senator Oemig was the Vice Chairman of the Education Committee, served on the Quality Education Council, and Oemig was a key leader in passing landmark education reform in the state in 2009. Before joining the Senate, Senator Oemig was a Performance Manager […]
Hello :)
Hi, My name is Tamara and I have been teaching grades 1-6 for over 12 years, while also serving as a district Technology Coach. I am very passionate about technology and am eager to learn about and discuss some new, innovative emerging technologies. I live in Edmonton, Alberta with my husband and my two daughters- […]