Salutations from Steve

Salutations from Kelowna (BC) to all my fellow ETEC 522 comrades. Currently I am taking 522 and 511, my 6th and 7th courses in the MET program.  It seems like just yesterday I was a newbie and terms like scaffolding, digital natives and connectivism were mystifying.  If you’re a newbie, please don’t let those words scare you…they will seem “old hat” soon.

I am extremely excited about this course and hope that it can help me bring a venture, near and dear to my heart, to life.   Leveraging the affordances of various free or cheap collaborative web 2.0 tools, I hope to create a system of collaboration within a community of teachers. Within this platform, I hope teachers will be able to share and build on resources, knowledge and experiences in order to ease the strain of going it alone.  If anyone else is interested in something similar, or has seen something similar that works (it seems that many online teacher communities are like ghost towns), I would love to know.  I am trying to figure out what works and why these communities are failing.

Professionally, I am presently teaching Math, Physics and Calculus at George Elliot Secondary, although I have pretty much taught every course except French and Band in my teaching journey, hence my interest in an online system of resource sharing.  I started in the private system, which I loved, but have since transferred to the public system.  

On a personal note, I love hiking with my wife Elan and dog Sugar, going to the drive-in (went to opening night last week), watching rugby (used to play) and drinking beer….hhhmmm beer.

Cheers, Steve MacKenzie


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