Hello from Ping

Hi, I’m Ping Zhang from Shanghai. Nice to share this course with you all! This is my #2 in MET.

I’m a telecom engineer, not like most of you as professionals in education. What make me interested in this program are my kids, one of whom is in school age. I find although I’m dealing with information technology everyday, and although it has been progressed so far through these decades, the way to convey knowledge to children hasn’t changed too much. In my kid’s school, they do have LCDs equipped in classrooms, and use PPTs often, but children are still spoon-fed and aimless in learning. We adults have dozens of ways today to facilitate our self-learning, like this blog, but for children that’s not so easy. Knowledge they need and they want still hide behind obscure texts, tools or rules. When we enjoy daily lives with more advanced terminals, networks, applications and contents, it’s upset for find few of them go into the classroom. There is an obvious gap between common technology products and those really expected by young learners. I think Educational Technology is right the role to fill this gap. I want to know how from this course. 


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