Roundup for Week 9 Visual-Intensive Learning
Thanks to all our colleagues that contributed to the activity and the discussion that has led to the market research for this educational venture. Below is a summary of all your contributions that we added to our presentation. Thanks again for a wonderful week! Our final version of the presentation can be viewed at […]
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Hussain Luaibi 4:25 pm on July 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Donna
Thanks for the note. I think one of the important aspects of Mind mapping is that its structure varies according to what and how the user looks at things. It does reflect a personal point of view when it comes to reflecting one’s mind map. Sometimes I feel that that mind mapping is like writing a poem, readers can, in away, understand or try to understand its meaning but the real mean lurks in the heart of the poet. But again this kind of speculation depends upon how clear and informative the the technique used in the mind mapping process.