Hi Everyone!

Hi to all of you I already know from previous courses and to new colleagues. My name is Carla and like Jamie, I’m from South Africa. I have been searching for a nice picture to post here for what has felt like at least 20 minutes and I’m afraid I couldn’t find anything. I feel like my life has been overtaken by work at the moment and I’m not quite sure that I’m ready for new MET courses but I hope I am. Like many others, this will be my last term in the MET and it’s been quite a journey. I’m curious to hear what have been other’s favorite courses so far? For me it was the summer institute and ETEC 521. I just know I will miss the MET once it’s over and so I hope I can savour the next few weeks and months.

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14 responses to “Hi Everyone!”

  1. Mel Drake

    Hello again, Carla! Congrats on this being your last course. 522 introduced me to a lot of emerging tech and in ways that went well beyond my initial feelings and understandings, 565D was a blast but 524 had me reconsider the role of an LMS in online learning. I look forward to learning alongside you again in this course, and best to you!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. carla pretorius

      Hi Mel, I like how many familiar faces there are in this course :-). Oh man, I never got to take 522 or 524 and now I’m feeling like I might have missed out on some amazing things.

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  2. Jamie Ashton

    2 for 2 – so great to see you in both courses 😀 I’m also feeling a bit weary of the new term starting… But also kinda hope it adds structure to my life? That said, I’ve been drowning in work too, so we’ll see how the balance goes!

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  3. Pascaline Natchedy

    Hi Carla,

    Nice to see you again. We had ETEC 520 together which I found quite challenging. My favorite module so far ,I have only completed 3, is ETEC 510. I was a bit apprehensive at the beginning and I wasn’t looking forward to group assignment but I was pleasantly surprised in the end. I learned new things, picked new skills and had the chance to work with great people. It got me interested in developing new skills and less hesitant to try new technologies.

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  4. Anne Emberline

    Hi Carla, it’s funny, I think ETEC 500 might have been the most dry and challenging, but it was a game changer for me. My undergrad was in visual arts so I didn’t really get any training in reading research papers back then, and I’m grateful for everything I learned from the research methodologies course, regardless of how challenging it was.

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    1. carla pretorius

      Hi Anne, I also really like ETEC 500, I finally felt as if I could now read a educational research paper and makes some sense out of it (it’s so different to the kind of research I’m used to). It definitely is the right course to start a MET journey with. I wonder what would be the right course to end a MET journey with? The portfolio one as a reflective exercise I reckon.

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      1. Anne Emberline

        Yeah the portfolio could seems like a nice finishing point. For me, I’m hoping to finish up with a self-directed ETEC 580 working on a project that I can launch out of the program with, something entrepreneurial perhaps.

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  5. Michael Saretzky

    Hi Carla, it is funny that you say you are no quite sure that you are ready for new MET courses, I was saying the same thing last night. Even though I seem to have a lot more time with teaching from home, things still seem quite crazy. As for your question about the favorite course, ETEC 565 was my favorite in a lot of regards, the textbook was interesting, as were some of the assignments. But I also liked ETEC 511, because my final essay related a lot to my job and was quite reflective, I talked about translation tech tools, specifically Google Translate.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. carla pretorius

      Is ETEC 511 the foundations of educational technology course? It only ran I think the very first term I was enrolled in the MET so I haven’t been able to take it.

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      1. Michael Saretzky

        Yeah, I eventually made a schedule of which courses I wanted to take and when I could take them, but it is tough as some are scheduled at the same time as other ones I wanted to take.

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        1. carla pretorius

          I had the same issue! I tried to plan two years ahead of time but some terms have far less courses running than others.

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          1. Michael Saretzky

            Yeah, ironically that is what happened with this course, I was planning for 540, but they only offered one initially I think, I was on a wait list, and quite far down, so I registered for this course. Then they opened up another 540, but with the way things are right now it really made me see the value in mobile learning.

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  6. kristin garratt

    Hi Carla!
    Congratulations on your final MET course! I look forward to working with you again this term.
    Best of luck 🙂

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  7. Pei

    Carla! So nice to see you here and I’m glad we’ll be in the same course for one more semester! It’s challenging to juggle all the responsibilities during a time like this but it’s nice when you already know some people in this course, which makes learning more fun and meaningful. Congrats on moving to the last leg of the program and I’m excited to be learning with you!


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