Hello From Surrey

Hi everyone,

My name is Ravneet Sandhu and I live in Surrey, BC. I teach a Grade 2/3 class in a small tight-knit elementary school. Like many of you, I am really missing being able to see my students and colleagues. I’m finding it challenging to teach my little learners remotely. This is my third year of teaching, so I would say that I am still fairly new to the profession. I am in my third/fourth courses of the MET program this term. I chose this program in hopes of learning new strategies to help guide my teaching practices. This course appears to be different than the others I’ve taken, so I’m excited to see what’s in store for us.

Travel is something that I’ve been passionate about since I was young. Last summer, I travelled through parts of Europe with my husband for our honeymoon. We visited six countries over a span of twenty-four days. It was something that I wanted to do for a very long time. During our travels, we spent time in Athens, Santorini, Dubrovnik, Venice, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, and Dublin. We had the most amazing time exploring such beautiful places together. By the end of the trip, we became experts at packing and unpacking quickly. Though it’s unfortunate that I won’t be doing any travelling for the next while, I am thankful to be safe and healthy.

I am looking forward to continuing my educational journey and learning alongside all of you. I hope you’re all in good health and keeping busy. Good luck this term!  

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9 responses to “Hello From Surrey”

  1. James Seaton

    Hello Ravneet,
    As my wife is from Croatia, I absolutely love hearing of people from my neck of the woods travelling out that way and discovering how beautiful it is (though Dubrovnik is getting so insanely busy with tourists). Your trip sounded amazing, btw (and very busy – usually the way that we travel, too). Anyways, nice meeting you.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. ravneet sandhu

      Hi James,

      Nice to meet you. I did find that Dubrovnik was very busy, but still beautiful! I’d like to travel to a less crowded part of Croatia on the next trip to Europe. Do you have any suggestions?

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. James Seaton

        I definitely do. I’m sure we’ll have time to talk as we’ve been placed in a group together, but the quick answer is that you need to explore the islands, including Brac.

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Mel Drake

    Hello Ravneet, nice to meet you. If I were teaching primary grades, I would absolutely be heartbroken to not see my students – It feels like I only had a few weeks with my dual credit high school seniors before spring break and then everything was put on hold, and I miss them. Looking forward to learning with you this semester!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. ravneet sandhu

      Hi Mel,

      Nice to meet you! I’m finding video conferencing to be helpful, but still not quite the same. Our very first Zoom session was a success. The students’ faces lit up as the entered the meeting and saw one another. They took turns sharing the activities that they’ve been engaging in at home. Then we played a few rounds of the game hang-man and ended off with a read-aloud story. The following week, I asked them to bring something that they would like to share with the rest of the class. In each Zoom session, I try to incorporate a new element. For instance, next week, I’ve asked them to wear their pyjamas and bring a stuffy to the Friday class meeting. So far, they appear to be quite engaged. Hopefully it stays this way!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

    Hello Ravneet, I am also in my third year of teaching! I am very jealous of your travels, how was Dubrovnik? My partner and I were hoping to go to Croatia this summer, although those plans have changed. Looking forward to exploring Mobile and Open Learning with you.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. ravneet sandhu

      Hi Katlyn,

      Nice to meet you! Dubrovnik was beautiful, but very busy with lots of tourists! I’d choose to visit a less crowded area in Croatia next time around. Looking forward to learning with you.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

    Nice to meet another primary teacher here! Welcome!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. ravneet sandhu

      Hi Tyler,

      Nice to meet you! Glad to hear you’re also teaching primary. Looking forward to learning with you.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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