AI Enhanced Holographic Distance Education

Originally posted by Sarah Wong on March 23, 2019

In today’s technologically advanced world. The one place we are behind in our use of technology is in the classroom. With advances in hardware and software making technology more accessible than ever,  the only logical step forward is to integrate technology into the classroom as much as possible. In recent years, huge leaps forward has been made in the fields of data transmission, virtual and augmented reality as well as that of  Artificial intelligence. I see a future technology that builds upon all of these fields. I call this new technology AI enhanced Holographic distance education. With this new technology, I hope that education can be made much more interactive and reach a broader audience that does currently.

I made the following video to explain how this could work.

( Average Rating: 4 )

One response to “AI Enhanced Holographic Distance Education”

  1. Pascaline Natchedy

    I thought that Sarah came up with an interesting idea. She only received a rating of 3.2 out of 5 stars which surprised me a lot. I wondered if some students were a bit afraid that this application might replace them in the future. I don’t see this technology as a threat. On the contrary, I think it could be quite useful to bring students together under one roof in rural areas. Some people need structure and a formal setting to learn. This technology would greatly appeal to this type of learner. The second function is brilliant as students would be able to access to lessons that they missed. Right now with the ongoing crisis, an application like that could be a game changer and be used by students at home. Learning can be done at the student’ pace and the material can be accessed anytime anywhere.

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