CoSpaces Edu

Originally posted by kimberley seto on September 22, 2019

Cospaces Edu is an online mobile platform that allows users to design and code virtual worlds. These virtual worlds can be compatible on both AR and VR platforms. This app extends beyond coding and design. It allows students to experiment with math and physics and present research via videos, writing and 3d modeling. The flexibility of the app also allows it to be used with Merge Cubes which is an augmented reality platform; 3d models designed on TinkerCad can be imported on; and lastly, 3d objects captured digitally on Qlone can be dropped into the Cospace world.

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One response to “CoSpaces Edu”

  1. Pascaline Natchedy

    I found this platform quite engaging and easy for educators to create virtual exhibitions and 3d storytelling. I was a bit disappointed that the free plan did not offer many functions. Therefore it you want to use coding in your story or exhibition, you have to get one of their paid plans. However if schools were willing to subsidize or even cover the whole cost, I believe more teachers would be quite happy to deal with this platform and design interactive activities for their students. Check out the following links to learn more about CoSpaces.

    A short video about virtual exhibition:

    Make AR/VR in the classroom :

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