InsertLearning: Insert instructional content on any web page

Originally By David CHO on September 12, 2019

InsertLearning was developed by two high school teachers who wanted to create a more abundant learning experience for their students. So they decided to help teachers turn the Internet into an interactive learning experience and InsertLearning is the byproduct of it. Teachers can insert questions, discussions, and insights directly into any website and students go to the website and respond to the questions and discussions, and take their own notes.

We can basically use any webpage on the Internet and make it into a lesson with this tool. Once we add to our chrome browser, turning any page into a lesson can be done and also can embed other contents such as Youtube videos, images, mindmaps and even we can record right away from our own webcam. Someone might already know this tool but I think this tool is the best for flipped or blended class.

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One response to “InsertLearning: Insert instructional content on any web page”

  1. Jane Wu

    I really like this extension. Being an extension makes it so easy to get and have convenient access. If I had known it three months ago, it would have been super useful during the COVID-19 online classes. That being said, it will still be helpful in the future.
    It can save the teachers so much time in transporting the materials from websites to websites and checking whether every student has got the assignments (overly used lame excuse). It could also save the students a lot of time trying to find all the different handouts or word documents among different platforms.
    There are so many powerful functions for an extension: real-time discussion, multiple-choices and instant grading. Moreover, all the web pages, instructions and students’ work are stored on the website. The public library built by teachers around the world is also available for you.
    However, one pronounced disadvantage of using that in China (sadly) is that we can not access google.

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