Sketchfab – A Mobile-friendly web viewer and database for 3D models

Originally posted by adrian wheeler on September 10, 2019

3D scanning, 3D modelling and photogrammetry are all very exciting tools that show excellent potential for allowing students to interact with objects and specimens that wouldn’t otherwise be allowed out of the classroom (or even in the classroom in the case of the human specimens we use at the faculty of medicine.)

However one of the key barriers to integrating these technologies into the curriculum is the ability to quickly and easily store and access the media. This is where Sketchfab comes in. Sketchfab acts as a database for 3D models created via traditional modelling, 3D scanners or even photogrammetry. It allows the user to not only store the files but interact with them in a virtual space that supports not only traditional computers with a mouse interface, but mobile touch interfaces and even VR headsets (both desktop class and mobile such as Google cardboard). Once uploaded to Sketchfab the user can even add interactive points that give the viewer more information and turn a simple 3D model into a interactive lesson.

Sketchfab has been used to great effect by both students and Faculty at the Faculty of Medicine. It has allowed Students and Faculty to 3D scan specimens and share them virtually. As a quick example the head cross section linked below was created using a combination of 3D scanning and photogrammetry by the UBC HIVE (a makerspace for medical students and researchers). It was then uploaded to scetchfab where is has since been used as an interactive way to help students to learn their anatomy. If you have the time I would highly suggest browsing through some of the content hosted on sketchfab, you may find something useful for your own class!

Note: I have opted to link rather than embed this 3D model as it is (plastinated) human specimen and thus could be uncomfortable for some. If you are comfortable viewing the specimen you can see the interactive 3D model here.

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One response to “Sketchfab – A Mobile-friendly web viewer and database for 3D models”

  1. wilhelmenia shackleford

    I was drawn to this post about SketchFab because of the recent availability and use of 3D printers in our school. Due to the availability of the printers, students are becoming more familiar with different 3D design tools such as SketchUp and TinkerCAD. This app is versatile and users around the world can share and upload their designs. While investigating Sketchfab more closely I noticed that many of the designs available in the app are both VR and AR ready so that makes it even more interesting. One aspect I liked about SketchFab is that right from the app, you can choose a design and display it in a virtual or augmented reality setting. The app loads up quickly so it is easy to access the different designs in a timely manner. This looks like quite an interesting app to get more familiar with as 3D design and AR/VR really start to take off. I would like to investigate this more closely to see how it can be used and incorporated into an elementary school setting.

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