AR in Google Search

As we become more and more familiar with augmented reality and see how it provides opportunities that we could not necessarily experience otherwise, we are seeing more uses of it. This is a feature that is unique to mobile devices. There are many furniture apps that have this AR feature, but a search that is specific to mobile devices is the AR animal search on Google. There is a list of certain animals that you can look up and view them right in your environment. You cannot do the same on your laptop. There are so many ways this search could help you with lesson content right in the classroom and really bring them to life.


Search Engine Journal. [Image]. (2019). Retrieved from

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One response to “AR in Google Search”

  1. Michael Saretzky

    Kylie, that is very cool. I will admit, I just spent the last 30 minutes searching different things and looking at them. I really do believe that things like AR will begin to replace textbooks. For instance, later on in that page you cited there are other scientific searches you can do, such as a cell or different body systems. it is awesome being able to go around the cell and look at the different parts. Maybe it will initially be links in a textbook, that bring you to the AR (which does exist in some cases), but why not have the AR and then talking points for the teacher, similar to Google Expedition.

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