Prodigy Math Game: Assess While You Play

Prodigy Math Game is an online Math game (can be downloaded as an app as well) which assesses students’ math ability as they play. Based on grade level, the game has the learner working through math questions and adjusts the content until it is at the level that is appropriate for the student. This allows for differentiated learning as some students may be working on surface area and volume while another may be working through two-digit multiplication. As students work through the problems, there are hints they can click on for help and tools such as manipulatives they can access to work out the problems. If the student gets multiple problems of that topic incorrect, it moves back and finds another topic for the student to practice to build up their skills.

The game format is very similar to Pokemon where the player battles monsters and can even play with their friends. Each time the player wants to perform an attack, the player must answer a math question. The game is fast-paced which keeps the learner engaged and they are spending most of their time solving math problems (there isn’t a lot of options to just wander around in the game). I have been using this program during this online learning period and my students have really liked playing the game. Some have said they spent 2-3 hours on it in a day (I only recommended them play for 30-40 minutes)! The program is geared for students from grades 1-8 and is free. There is a paid version that offers more benefits but I didn’t find it necessary to purchase anything.

This is a great example of how gamification has worked for Math Education as Prodigy Math Game has created a game that is interesting and engaging for students and they are learning/practicing Math while doing it with minimal idle time.

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