Questions from our Zoom Chat on Mobile Collaboration

In our weekly Zoom chat, we had an interesting discussion on mobile collaboration, while mobile collaborating. We discussed getting overwhelmed by the number of different apps and spaces to collaborate. We questioned if there could be a platform that could consolidate all chats and messages to one organized place.

What do you think? Is this feasible? Would this be something that could help organize all of the different collaborative groups? Does having one platform turn people off if it wasn’t visually appealing?

Also, do you feel that mobile collaboration loses the human connection or enhances it? Does mobile collaboration add or ease the stress of working in teams?

(Sorry Ceci, you left the call before we took the photo, but you were there too)

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6 responses to “Questions from our Zoom Chat on Mobile Collaboration”

  1. carla pretorius

    It sure was an interesting discussion and one that I don’t think we could fully conclude we had the answers to. I know from my side at least that currently I have some serious app fatigue going on and I give an audible sigh every time I need to switch over to a new platform for video calling as an example during my work, studies and private life. In one week, I have used Skype, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Meet and Blacboard’s Collaborate Ultra for the various video chats I had scheduled. Every single platform has its own user interface, unique features, pros and cons etc. In moments like these I sure wish for a unified experience although I think if that were to happen it’s still a long way off. Honestly, there probably will never be just one platform out there that I will use but there will be fewer than what we have now I suspect as larger companies will try and absorb the competition. Guess we will have to wait and see….

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Kristin Garratt

      Hi Carla,
      I sure hope that is the case. I completely understand what you mean about app fatigue. I love how technology connects us, but I am tired of trying to connect with peers, colleagues and family on multiple platforms. Because everyone switched to video conferencing so quickly, I think you are absolutely correct that big companies will try to absorb the smaller ones. Which ones do you think we will lose? That is an interesting question. From our discussion this week, we spoke about the pros and cons of many of them. I love using Microsoft Teams for work, but I would not expect to call my parents on that platform. They are in their 70’s and Facebook messenger provides an easy pop-up right on their iPads.

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  2. Anne Emberline

    After thinking about it a bit more, I think one monopolized platform would be impossible for many reasons but partly because it’s so easy for new platforms to spring up and attract users to some new way of connecting online. We are build to seek out novelty. And on top of that, new generations will always want their own social spaces away from “grownups” so it’d be impossible to keep teens and young adults on the same platforms as parents and grandparents.

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    1. Binal Khakharia

      … and think of all the advertising space lost if there weren’t these many platforms to push them on!

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Kristin Garratt

        It is a dream to have it all on one platform. When every home had 1 phone number to call, I think I am just nostalgic for a simpler time. Ha! Perhaps it is the constant juggle that is getting me down. So if we can’t have only one, could we please narrow it down to 3 (peers, professional and older family members)?

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Ceci Z.

    No worries, nice chat last night 🙂 It was really great to connect! Monopoly or variety? Thought-provoking questions, ladies. I personally prefer variety, but sometimes got overwhelmed by the numerous options out there.

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