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Hello, from Red Deer

Hello, from Red Deer

My name is Michael Saretzky, and I am grade 6/7 teacher in Red Deer, AB. Although I grew up in BC, on Vancouver Island, and graduated from UVIC, my wife and I have been teaching in Alberta for the last fifteen years. After nine years in Hinton, just outside of Jasper, we moved to Red […]

Photo of Mel Drake

Howdy from Niagara!

Howdy everyone, my name’s Melissa Drake, but you can call me Mel. I’m originally from Texas, and I’d have to give up my Texan card if I didn’t tell you that within the first two minutes of meeting you, and I’ve lived in Canada for 4 years now. I cannot adequately convey my excitement for […]

W01 Discussions

W01 Discussions

Discussion Topics MOST SPECIAL:  What do you consider is the most important factor, positively or negatively, about the potential of mobile education? SOCIAL NARRATIVE:  Can mobile technologies serve to reinvigorate learning’s connection with community, society and culture? CONTEXT:  How important is it, how can educators employ it, and how might learners benefit from harnessing their own context better? TRIBOLOGY:  Can the education industry successfully reinvent […]

W02 Discussions

W02 Discussions

Discussion Topics Mobile Technologies I Want To See Someday… What I Hate About Mobile Technologies… If Every Learner Had Just One Mobile Technology It Would Be…

W03 Discussions

W03 Discussions

Discussion Topics A pleasantly surprising trend in mobile culture… What disturbs me about mobile culture… Fixing the mobile culture gap in education

W04 Discussions

W04 Discussions

Discussion Topics 1. How are learning contexts affected by changes in mobile technology? 2. How do mobile technologies affect instructional design choices? Have mobile technologies forever altered the role of the teacher/instructor?

W01: What is special about mobile education?

W01: What is special about mobile education?

This post is a discussion forum for ideas related to W01 – Mobility Perspectives. Specifically, this is a place to share your ideas about what factors, both positive and negative, distinguish the potentials of mobile education from other learning technologies. INSTRUCTIONS: Read through a set of the existing responses below.  Use the Thumbs Up tool to […]

W13 Discussions

W13 Discussions

Following completion of the Mobile Forum,  please contribute to one or more Week 13 Discussions, via the links below, to convey your concluding 523 thoughts: 1.  Threat or opportunity?  What does mobility mean to your career? 2.  Threat or opportunity? What does open learning mean to your career? 3.  Where and how should 523 refine its focus?

Course Manual

Course Manual


Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule

Following is an outline of weekly expectations.  Weeks begin on Mondays and conclude at midnight (Pacific Time) on Sundays. Please don’t hesitate to email your instructor if you have any questions. Next Section: Assignments