Hello my colleagues, and Happy 2021 for everyone. My name is Alexei Peter dos Santos, born and raised in Brazil and this is my second term in MET. I am a medical oncologist and preceptor of oncology in Brazil. Medical education is very conservative, with little space for modern teaching tools. In the last few years, I have been using technology, such as videos and online discussions, to disseminate new knowledge in oncology and incentive professionals to be involved in cancer patients’ treatment. It is intriguing how doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and psychologists, often treating the same patient and working on the same building, know so little about each other’s job. In my experience, educational technology brings people together, even closer than we physically imagine. Perhaps, my belief in technology reducing the distance between people is empowered by the fact that my family is living in Vancouver. Anyway, it is a great pleasure to share this term with you and I am eager to learn even more.

Hi Alexei. It is terrific that people of so diverse backgrounds are involved in MET; we learn so much more when we have many different perspectives and areas of expertise to draw from. I spent a year in Brazil as an exchange student and have very fond memories. Thanks to technology I am still in contact with my host families and friends from that time and still feel connected.
Hello Alexie. The integration of education tools and technologies is paramount in connecting the medical staff for collaborative learning. I personally feel it should be implemented to educate patients for the understanding of their physiology and anatomy. Also, educating them through tools and technologies will help them immensely in the understanding of the problem, causes and prevention of the diseases. I am looking forward to hearing more about the use of technology for the eduction purpose in the medical field.
Hi Alexei. I think there’s a noticeable irony in the incongruity between the extensive use of cutting-edge computer-based technologies in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness in modern medicine, and the reluctance you describe to use much simpler (though no less demonstrably effective) educational technologies for the training and professional development of healthcare professionals! Yours is a context I hadn’t considered in regard to educational technology, and I look forward to hearing more.
Hi Alexei. Your background in healthcare is very impressive. As such, I am sure you have had experience with tele-health services. Perhaps you can enlighten all of us about this field and how Educational Technology may be used to improve services/ tools for patients and doctors.
Hello, Alexei. The application of educational technology in healthcare is so interesting with some incredible potential, what little I know about it. I look forward to hearing more about your work!